When we started in 2017, we joined forces with Man Met Bril Koffie to bring you a signature filter coffee blend that would complete your diner experience. After six years, we’re upping our coffee game once again! Together with Man Met Bril Koffie, we have developed an exciting new espresso blend that we would like to share with you.
On Wednesday, April 19th, you are invited to taste this new brew and tell us what you think…
Practical info:
We’ll be serving three different kinds of coffee (espresso, coffee with milk (plant-based or cow), and a filter coffee) and will ask you to fill in a little survey. This will be paired with a nice continental breakfast to complete the experience.
• Date: Wednesday, April 19th
• Time: walk-in between 8AM and 10AM
• Costs: €5,- pp.
• What: New Brew Coffee Tasting
• How to join: email info@byjarmusch.nl (subject: coffee tasting)
Among the participants, we will be giving away three Cocktail Breakfasts.
So, sign up now! These cocktail breakfasts will be redeemable at our second location by Jarmusch West (opening May 1st).